Billy Graziadei: “Biohazard inca exista”

Billy Graziadei: "Biohazard inca exista"

Billy Graziadei – Biohazard

A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am mai auzit de trupa Biohazard (comanda albume ACICI), dar chitaristul Billy Grazadei dezvaluie intr-un nou interviu ca trupa inca exista in ciuda faptului ca nu au mai avut concerte din 2015.
Intr-un nou interviu cu Moshpit Passion din Germania, chitaristul trupei dezvaluie: “I talk to Bobby [Hambel] and Danny [Schuler] all the time. I just played with Danny a couple of weeks ago with Sick of It All and Life of Agony. There’s still a Biohazard.”
In ultimii ani, Graziadei s-a concentrat pe supergrupul Powerflo precum si pe lansarea albumului solo Billybio anul trecut, insistand insa ca nu a uitat de Biohazard: “It’s a different kind of band. Powerflo and Billybio is a little bit more organized, but Biohazard is more like a vibe. Like the planets, when everything aligns, we do something. Until then, who knows? But we’re not over. We talk all the time. We write music together. We share things. When it’s right, it’s right, and there’ll be a new Biohazard record.”
Ultima oara trupa a performat cu chitaristul si vocalistul Scott Roberts, dar acesta a parasit trupa in 2016. Intr-un interviu separat Graziadei a dezvaluit ca trupa nu a gasit inca un inlocuitor.
Vedeti intrviul cu Billy Graziadei de la Biohazard mai jos:
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