Devin Tonsend isi exprima vina cu privire la dizolvarea proiectului Devin Townsend Project

Noi stiri despre Devin Townsend - Contemporary-Establishment

Noutati Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend va lansa albumul solo intitulat Empath pe data de 29 martie. Intr-un nou clip documentar despre inregistrarile albumului, Townsend isi exprima vina cu privire la dizolvarea Devin Tonsend Project. Acesta avea acest lucru in plan inca din 2014 cand si-a lansat primul album solo Z2: Dark Matters.
Devin Tonsend Project a a vut o crestere semnificativa lansand 7 albume de studio. Materiale precum Epicloud si Transcendence au adus bucurie in sfera muzicii progressive-metal, demonstrand capacitatea unica a lui Townsend de a merge pe cai sonice exceptionale.
“Leaving DTP and everything was really challenging for a number of reasons,” declara Devin catre Mike Zimmer. “As an empathetic person, I hate the idea of hurting people. Everybody’s got their hopes up and we’ve got a cool thing rolling and then I pull the rug out, similar to what I did with Strapping [Young Lad]. I’ve spent a certain amount of time thinking about that and whether or not that’s like a self-sabotage thing or whatever.”
Townsend declara in continuare “What it is that I have to say, what it is that I’m trying to say… it’s worth trying to get it right. Both Strapping and DTP weren’t right. They were really great, both of them, but it wasn’t right. Maybe I’m deluded in thinking there is such a thing as ‘right.’ All the things about my life that, professionally, made sense up to this point just no longer make sense. I’m sorry guys, but that’s just how it is and I have to pursue that, right?”
“I’m so concerned about what other people think of my decisions that I second-guess things that I intuitively know I should do. Fortunately, I always do it … Even when I don’t understand why I should do it.”
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