Demon Hunter – Ash
Demon Hunter au lansat un nou single intitulat “Ash” si care va face parte de pe cele doua noi albume ce vor fi lansate “War” si “Peace“. Asculta melodia mai jos:
“‘Ash‘ is a no frills, anthemic onslaught, berating our infatuation with fleeting possessions. It’s a reminder to myself as much as anyone else. I collect pretty much everything I couldn’t afford as a kid: skateboards, shoes, artwork, antiques… you name it. And I love this stuff. Still, I know I can’t ‘take it with me’ as they say,” spune vocalistul Ryan Clark.
El a adaugat: “In classic Demon Hunter fashion, we wanted to ensure that War had at least one faster thrash number in the vein of ‘Storm the Gates of Hell,’ ‘Crucifix,’ or ‘The World Is a Thorn.’ ‘Ash’ is the resident barn burner track for this album. This was the last song that we’d written for the heavier of these two records, and is the only song written by Patrick, Jeremiah and myself.”
Clark a vorbit recent despre lansarile ulterioare cu Full Metal Jackie, explicand ca scopul celor doua albume a fost acela de a dedica pentru doua stiluri muzicale – heavy si melodic.
fanii Demon Hunter vor avea partecurand de materiale noi. War and Peace va avea parte de o dubla lansare prin Solid State Records.
fanii Demon Hunter vor avea partecurand de materiale noi. War and Peace va avea parte de o dubla lansare prin Solid State Records.
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