Traversing Beyond “Oblivion”, Texas’ SCATTERED STORM Presents “Bloody Love” Off Upcoming “In this Dying Sun” Alex T.
Scattered Storm, from El Paso, TX, USA, has a second EP coming out this fall, “In This Dying Sun”, which takes off from where 2021’s “Oblivion” left off, taking a darker and more proggy turn. It still has the hooks, but the vocals have evolved more and synths took a back step for more guitar work. Some of the songs are faster-paced as well giving them more driving …
Articolul Traversing Beyond “Oblivion”, Texas’ SCATTERED STORM Presents “Bloody Love” Off Upcoming “In this Dying Sun” apare prima dată în Contemporary-Establishment. October 07, 2022 at 11:11AM Contemporary-Establishment
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